
The Meaning of the Path of Dharma

Join Lama Alan Wallace, a preeminent scholar and teacher of Tibetan Buddhism, for an enlightening four-part course exploring the path to complete freedom from suffering.

About This Course

At the age of 29, Gautama left his royal palace not simply to practice Dharma, which he could have done as a prince, but to find a path to complete freedom from suffering and its inner causes. This is the fourth noble truth, which essentially consists of the threefold training in ethics, samadhi, and wisdom.

During this four-part course, Lama Alan discusses this theme in relation to the Three Turnings of the Wheel of Dharma: the teachings on the Four Noble Truths; the Perfection of Wisdom; and the Buddha-nature.

This seminar offers a unique opportunity to gain insights from one of the foremost experts in Tibetan Buddhism, providing both theoretical knowledge and practical guidance on the path to freedom from suffering.

The Teacher


B. Alan Wallace is one of the world’s leading scholars, writers, and teachers of Tibetan Buddhism, and an outspoken advocate for a revolution in the mind sciences, one that will replace the current paradigm of materialist reductionism with a new paradigm based on contemplative methods of inquiry into the nature and potentials of the mind.

With more than 40 years of formal studies in the Indo-Tibetan tradition (including 14 years as a monastic) and prestigious degrees from Amherst College and Stanford, he is uniquely qualified to bridge the gap between modern science and the time-tested approaches to contemplative practice preserved by multiple lineages. A student of the Dalai Lama and many other renowned teachers, he authored and translated more than 40 books on the philosophy of consciousness, Tibetan Buddhism and applied contemplative practice.

Detailed biography: https://www.alanwallace.org/about-alan-wallace/

Books by B. Alan Wallace: https://www.alanwallace.org/writings/books/

In Collaboration With

This retreat is shared freely with thanks to The Meridian Trust – Tibetan Buddhist Archive.

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