
Recordings of Courses & Retreats

A presentation of all our recordings from courses and retreats with the CCN including those with B. Alan Wallace.


Shamatha: Meditation for Balanced Living

with David Oromith


Joyful Heart: Exploring The Four Immeasurables

with David Oromith


Perception and Imagination in Tantric Buddhism

with Vesna A. Wallace


Immersing Ourselves in Loving-Kindness

with Michael Lobsang Tenpa


The Vajra Path: Evolution of Tantric Buddhism

with Ian Baker


An Introduction to Buddhism

with David Oromith


Atisha’s Mahamudra and The Seven Point Mind Training

with B. Alan Wallace


Transforming Felicity and Adversity into the Spiritual Path

with B. Alan Wallace


Embodying the Great Perfection

with Ian Baker


Exploring Hidden Lands

with Ian Baker


Discover Compassion Meditation

with Glen Svensson


The Illumination of Primordial Wisdom

with B. Alan Wallace


Discover Vipashyana Meditation

with Glen Svensson


Discover Shamatha Meditation

with Glen Svensson


Devotion as a Path to Divinisation and Buddhahood

with Eva Natanya


Dwelling in the Heart of Reality

with B. Alan Wallace & Eva Natanya


The World of Mind & Mandalas and the Great Perfection

with B. Alan Wallace, Eva Natanya & Ian Baker


Dreaming of Reality: Sleeping, Dreaming & Dying in Tibetan Buddhism

with B. Alan Wallace


The Meaning of the Path of Dharma

with B. Alan Wallace


Four Kinds of Intelligence for Optimal Mental Health and Balance

with B. Alan Wallace


The Inner Causes of Distress and Well-being: Insights from Buddhist Psychology

with B. Alan Wallace


A Summary of the View, Meditation, and Conduct of Dzogchen

with B. Alan Wallace


A Lamp to Dispel Darkness

with B. Alan Wallace


Space, Time and Consciousness

with B. Alan Wallace & Bernard Carr

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Mahamudra y comentario sobre El entrenamiento de la mente en siete puntos de Atisha

con B. Alan Wallace


La iluminación de la sabiduría primordial con Alan Wallace (Español)


L’illuminazione della Saggezza primordiale con Alan Wallace (Italiano)


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